The 7 Biggest Reasons Why You Haven’t Losing Weight Yet

Weight loss requires long-term calorie deficits. Aberrant calorie intake may hinder progress. Uncontrolled eating habits like aimless nibbling or bingeing on calorie-dense meals may hinder weight loss. Our staff suggests mindful eating, food journaling, and a sustainable calorie deficit for weight loss.

Inconsistent Caloric Intake

Weight loss requires nutrition and exercise. Inactivity causes weight loss resistance. Aerobic, strength, and daily activity enhance metabolism, calorie expenditure, and weight loss. Our experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week to maximise workouts.

Lack of Physical Activity

Weight loss neglects sleep. Sleep deprivation disrupts hormones, creating hunger and fullness the next day. Sleeping well helps you lose weight, according to our specialists. For weight loss and wellness, sleep 7–9 hours.

Poor Sleep Quality

Despite a balanced diet, underestimating portion sizes may hinder weight loss. It's simple to overeat. Our experts recommend measuring cups or food scales for portion control. This helps you lose weight by maintaining a healthy calorie deficit.

Meal Portion Sizes

Emotional and disturbed eating may hamper weight loss. Food soothes. Our group emphasises emotional challenges and coping. Mindfulness, counselling, or doing what you love can transform your food relationship.

Emotional Eating

Water is crucial for metabolism, digestion, and weight loss yet often overlooked. Dehydration decreases nutrient absorption, metabolism, and hunger. Our specialists recommend daily water consumption. Drink 8 cups (64 ounces) of water daily to optimise weight loss.

Inadequate Hydration

Stress can have a significant impact on your weight loss journey. When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol, a hormone that can contribute to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area.

Stress Management

Negative Habits that Cause Eye Damage
